
INFOSMAK participates in Expert Consultation on Strengthening Trade Portals in Africa

INFOSAMAK Centre has participated at the “Experts’ Consultative Meeting on Strengthening Fish Trade Information System in Africa” which was held in Zanzibar (Tanzania) from 29th June to 1st July 2016. The seminar was organized by the African Union Interafrican Bureau for Animal Resources (AU-IBAR) and its partners the NEPAD Planning and Coordinating Agency (NPCA) and WorldFish in collaboration with Zanzibar, the United Republic of Tanzania with support from the European Union.

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INFOSAMAK took part in the first meeting of the Aquaculture Task Force (ATF) organized by GFCM, in order to develop a “Strategy for the sustainable development of Mediterranean and Black Sea Aquaculture”. The GFCM strategy on aquaculture aims to be an instrument for GFCM members to improve cooperation in the region and to ensure a coordinated and responsible aquaculture development within a Blue Growth perspective.

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Restock to restore a future for fishermen

Many Mediterranean fish stocks are in a worrying state, with alarming consequences for income and jobs in the Mediterranean fishing sector. To highlight the need for action, European Commissioner for Fisheries and Maritime Affairs, Karmenu Vella, launched the campaign #MedFish4Ever. More than 80 representatives from EU institutions, European regions, business, and NGOs gathered at the European Commission stand at the Seafood Global Expo in Brussels for the launch event.

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Mr .Aziz Akhannouch was awarded the Spanish Grand Cross of agriculture, fisheries and food merit

The Minister of Agriculture and Marine Fisheries, Mr Aziz Akhannouch, was awarded, Thursday, April 28 in Meknes, the Spanish grand Cross of agriculture, fisheries and food merit, on the sidelines of the 11th edition of the Moroccan International Agriculture Fair (SIAM 2016) held in Meknes. "I could see it an encouragement to persevere in my efforts to be useful to my country and development of agriculture and sea fishing as well as to the continuous improvement of Moroccan-Spanish relations in these sectors" , noted Mr. Akhannouch who was awarded by his Spanish counterpart of Agriculture and environment, Mrs Isabel García Tejerina.

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The 24th edition of Seafood Expo Global

As accustomed, INFOSAMAK took part in the 23rd edition of the Seafood expo Global 2016 that was held in Brussels, Belgium, from 21 to 23 April. The exposition features more than 1,700 exhibiting companies from over 70 countries. INFOSAMAK was present with a booth to promote the fisheries and aquaculture sector in the Arab Region, develop contacts with participant operators, as well as consolidate the cooperation means with the other Fish Info Network centers. In this respect, INFOSAMAK assisted organizing meetings between businessmen from its member countries and other countries.

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