Will fishing be soon overtaken by a trend toward aquaculture? This is at least what comes out of the open day on aquaculture development perspectives in the Mediterranean held on Thursday, April 16th in Nador.
The various national and international actors in the sector seem to converge towards the need to develop aquaculture with the interests of sustainability. "With the decline of marine resources, aquaculture is trying to emerge as a sustainable and reasonable alternative," according to Mr Abdellatif Belkouch, director of INFOSAMAK centre.
It must be said that this is a global trend. Fish consumption in the world is increasing and natural resources of the planet will soon be unable to support this request. Today, two fish for consumption is produced from aquaculture. "In the past, the man lived on hunting and fishing. Today he no longer hunts. How long will he continue to fish? ", Asked Mr. François René, President of the aquaculture committee of the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM), recalling that the fish is now the commodity most traded in the world.