
The European Union and the Islamic Republic of Mauritania have concluded a deal that will allow EU fishermen to fish in Mauritanian waters for four years. The agreement on a fourth implementing protocol to the EU's sustainable fisheries partnership agreement (SFPA) with Mauritania was reached following negotiations in Nouakchott this week.
EU Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Karmenu Vella welcomed the agreement: "Signing the EU's largest fisheries partnership agreement with Mauritania brings twofold benefits: To our fishermen, it means certainty and good fishing opportunities at value for money for the next four years. For the region as a whole, it contributes to stability and the sustainable management of fisheries resources."

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A UAE delegation has visited Chile to learn about the development of the country's aquaculture industry. The delegation met with a team of professionals from the Undersecretariat of Fisheries and Aquaculture (Subpesca), led by the head of the body Mr Raul Sunico.
Ms Myriam Mohammed Hared, from the UAE's Ministry of Environment and Water, and Chilean authorities exchanged information and experiences on the development of aquaculture in both regions.

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The Delegation of the European Union in Mauritania attended, on June 17 in Nouadhibou, the delivery of ten Mauritanian coastal vessels to fish captains. This ceremony marks an important step in the implementation of the sectorial support provided for within the Fisheries Partnership Agreement between the Islamic Republic of Mauritania and the European Union.

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The seventieth anniversary of FAO

The Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries Mr Aziz Akhanouch in Morocco celebrated the Seventieth anniversary of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) at the International Exhibition of Agriculture of Meknes-Morocco, April 29, 2015, with the presence of Mr Michael George Hage, FAO representative in Morocco, and Ms. Sandra McCardell, the Canadian Ambassador who agreed to participate in person in this celebration.

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