Signature of a Moroccan-Russian cooperation agreement on sea fisheries

Morocco and Russia signed on March 15th a cooperation agreement in the field of marine fisheries, on the occasion of the official visit of His Majesty King Mohammed VI in Moscow. This Agreement establishes the principles of cooperation between the Kingdom of Morocco and the Russian Federation regarding the conservation and exploitation of fishery resources in the Moroccan Exclusive Economic Zone, and defines the conditions for the exercise of fishing ships flying the Russian flag.

The agreement foresees the cooperation for the planning and carrying out scientific research campaigns necessary for the conservation and rational exploitation of fishery resources both within Morocco's Atlantic fishing area and beyond its limits, as well as cooperation in the field of technical and fishing technology, fish processing technologies and the development of aquaculture.

Under this agreement, the Moroccan party grants to the Russian fishing vessels in Morocco's Atlantic fishing area fishing opportunities for small pelagic species in accordance with the conditions defined in Annex I of the Agreement.
The Moroccan side also fixed for each year the composition of the total catch by group of species, fishing areas, price’s reference, and the number and type of Russian fishing vessels authorized to fish in the Atlantic fishing zone of Morocco, and thus, according to the fishery small Atlantic pelagic development plan. The Russian side undertakes, under this agreement, to welcome on board the Russian fishing vessels Moroccan scientific observers and to embark Moroccan seamen as employees.

A Joint Commission will be established for supervising the execution of this Agreement, the administrative cooperation to ensure respect for Moroccan regulations and the provisions of this Agreement. It meets once a year, alternately in Morocco and Russia. Extraordinary sessions may be held at the request of one of the Parties.